Construction Logos |
Logos for construction companies and building. |
House Painting Company |
Paint can and paint brush for house painting company. |
art, art class, art design, art show, artisan, artist, artistic, house painter, house painting, paint, paint brush, paint splat, paint splatter, paintbrush, painter, painter brush, painting, painting class, painting company |
Miners Helmets |
Pair of miners helmets and safety gear. |
cave, caves, climber, climbing, coal mine, coal mining, hard hat, helmet, hiker, hiking, mine, mine rescue, miner, miner hat, minerals, miners helmet, mining, mining safety, mining safety gear, mountain climbing, pick, pick axe, rock climb, rock climbing, rope, safety, safety equipment, spelunk, spelunking, yellow hard hat |
Tool Box |
Tool box with a screwdriver and a wrench. |
builder, building, construct, construction company, construction tools, customer support, fix, hammer, handy man, handyman, help, help file, helpdesk, mechanic, mechanic tools, repairs, screwdriver, security, security tools, software, software company, software support, software tools, software utility, support, support software, support tools, tools, utility, worker, wrench |
Excavation |
Heavy equipment for excavation and material movement. |
backhoe, bull dozer, bulldozer, catepillar, caterpillar, construct, construction, construction company, construction equipment, dig, dozer, equipment, excavate, excavater, excavation, heavy equipment, road construction, road detour, road work, truck, trucking company, trucks |
3-D Modeling |
Geometry and 3-d modeling with shapes. |
3-d, 3-d model, 3-d modeling, 3d, architect, architecture, architecture firm, art, art design, building design, compass, construct, design, design buildings, design software, designed, designer, draw, flow chart, flowchart, graphic arts, graphic design, graphics, image, images, mechanical drawing, mechanical engineering, modeling, modeling software, plan, software, software applications, three dimension, three dimensional |
Construction Worker |
Yellow helmet and construction detour sign for road work. |
construction, construction company, construction helmet, construction worker, construction-worker, detour, detour sign, helmet, highway, road, road construction, road detour, road ways, road work, roadway, roadways, route, sign, signs, street, transport, transportation, under construction, yellow helmet |
Heavy Road Equipment |
Heavy equipment for road work and construction. |
backhoe, bull dozer, bulldozer, catepillar, caterpillar, construct, construction, construction company, construction equipment, detour, dig, dozer, excavate, excavater, excavation, heavy equipment, highway, road, road construction, road detour, road work, truck |
Landscaping Company |
Wheel barrel and shovel for landscapers. |
dig, digging, garden, gardener, gardening, landscape, landscaper, landscaping, landscaping company, shovel, shovel stalls, shoveling, wheel barrel, wheelbarrel, yard work |
Cordless Drill |
Wrenches with cordless drill for fixing things. |
build, builder, construction, construction company, construction equipment, construction tools, construction worker, cordless drill, drill, drills, engineer, engineering, fix, gear, gears, handy man, handyman, industrial, industry, machinery, maintenance, maintenance worker, manufacturer, manufacturing, power tools, repair, worker, wrench, wrenches |
Home for Sale |
Cute real estate design for home sales. |
appraisal, builder, building, cape, construct, construction, contractor, foreclosure, fsbo, general contractor, home, home appraisal, home builders, home construction, home for sale, home insurance, home loans, home owner, home sales, homeowner, house, house for sale, house sales, inspection, insurance adjuster, mortgage, new homes, real estate, real estate office, realtor, realty, refurbish, remodel, remodeling, valuation |