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Web Design Articles

Article Summary
What Makes a Good Logo A logo is a design, graphical representation, image or symbol that represents a business or organization. Logos were initially used to distinguish and differentiate products, the logos assisted purchasers in finding the product they prefer or have come to trust (or not trust).
Building an Image with a Logo Website design can be elusive to even creative individuals. Sadly some webmasters do not realize their incompetence and they post websites that have grainy graphics and turgid colors. If you are one of these webmasters and have seen the error of your ways, consider this.
A Logo to Remember Perhaps the only person who understands the way memory works better than a psychologist is an advertiser. In particular, designers require a basic understanding of the recall process in order to create logos that make lasting impressions.
Bring Your Product to Life with Personality When choosing an appropriate mascot for your brand, first identify what you are trying to achieve. Who will conceivably buy your product or services? What kind of character would appeal to that audience? Is this a spokesperson that will stand the test of time? In what way will the personality reach out to the consumer and communicate the strengths of your product or service? Is this an image you desire?
Tips for Webmasters According to Matt Cutts, there are over 100 factors that affect search engine ranking. For those of you who don't know, Matt is a Google guy guru, he is employed by Google but writes an independent blog and shares information related to Google and search engine optimization. Unfortunately, of those 100 items that account for search engine ranking, there are only a few that webmasters can actually control.
A Look at Slogans A slogan is a memorable phrase used in conjunction with a political, commercial, or religious advertisement. Slogans are used to convey a deeper meaning. Slogans can be used to elicit emotions, or the slogan might paint a visual image that implies something more.
Using a USP to Sell Often businesses define themselves with what is called a unique selling proposition. Many businesses market their unique selling proposition to illustrate the advantages of their product or services.
Building an Image Website design can be elusive to even creative individuals. Sadly some webmasters do not realize their incompetence and they post websites that have grainy graphics and turgid colors. If you are one of these webmasters and have seen the error of your ways, consider this. Your website is a sales tool. A professional layout and design can significantly increase sales and conversion rates, gaining you customers.
Link Debate As a webmaster, it is important to develop a link strategy. Unless you have a massive brand with a reputation and following, it is unlikely that the masses will simply saturate your site with deep links. What are deep links?
Webmaster Resolutions Experts suggest that people should make lifestyle changes rather than resolutions. I am a bit more pragmatic. Tackle a task you know that you can succeed at. Do not bite off more than you can chew, and you will be one of the few who manages to keep their resolutions. Here are a few suggested resolutions for webmasters
Successful Website Design A website that brings in targeted traffic and visitors who buy services or products is what actually makes a site valuable. A successful site should deliver leads, customers or sales. It sells and has value.
Planning a Website Design Seventy-five percent of a successful project is planning. That means beginning with measurable goals and objectives. Your goals and objectives should always tie back into your company's mission.
The Theory of Color Color plays such an important role in our lives whether we realizes it or not. It has the ability to influence our feelings and emotions in a way that few other mediums can. It can control our moods and thoughts. Color has the ability to make us feel happy, depressed, excited, relaxed, hungry and creative.
Graphic Design Jack of All Trades Commercial art has proven itself worthy within the business sector. Whereas traditional art or 'The Arts' such as fine art for example, is often considered an expensive hobby instead of a stable career path. Commercial art differs considerably.